Monday, May 13, 2019

Do Not Say You Speak For US. You DON'T. Focus on REAL AUTISM ISSUES...please.

In response to a complaint about the use of puzzle pieces as the symbol for Autism....

What is puzzling to me is how anyone can say "WE" as a community...when no one voted on this...and YOU are representing YOUR OPINION. This is false and misleading. Please do not state WE when it is YOU. The "picky" BS crap is ridiculous. Puzzle piece or is a symbol. It merely stands out so we can see it and draw out attention to articles and information we are sharing. There are much more important things we need to work on and worry about LIKE INSURANCE REFORM, CARING FOR CAREGIVERS, JOB TRAINING PROGRAMS, ADULT LOANS for everything from buying houses to starting companies for persons with ASD, Correct Scientific research into the correlation between the introduction of hormones in food and the rise of Autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ADD, etc..., Early Screening and Consistent, Correct and Accommodating Early Intervention EQUALLY practiced throughout ALL STATES and all districts, correct VISUAL testing, correct understanding that ONE methodology should be used by each learning environment and parents should be given training, the truth should be told about the myth of GFCF diets as far as short, if metals were being eliminated, you could measure them in the feces but no tests are being performed because it is a hoax and parents are spending a fortune at places like Trader Joes on a lie, the fact that infertility has risen as fast as Autism, the sad news that many backwards nations are NOT being given awareness and believe Autism is demonic possession resulting in cruel torture, exorcisms and even killings of children once the Autism changes have taken place at 2 years old, greater Awareness of things like Candidates who have given more than 2,000 speeches and never mentioned Autism while others have built magnificent platforms around it, Awareness that most children with Autism are being raised by single moms with estimates as high as 70%...and higher...that 70% of a child's language and learning foundation is complete long before the age of 5 so intensive 1 on 1 after that age would take 15 years to accomplish what could be done in ONE YEAR under 5...which is why early diagnosis is so critical, that some estimates believe as high as 50% of all children will have some form of Spectrum Disorder by 2024, that much higher percentages of girls have Autism than formerly believed...but girls learn to blend in socially much earlier and easier than boys, that Autism brains typically carry 17%-33% MORE serotonin than their neuro-typical peers...that AWAARE is a global awareness website dedicated to teaching awareness about WANDERING and ELOPEMENT which is the #1 cause of injury and DEATH in persons with ASD, that the picky eater syndrome is called Gustatory know, I could do this for hours and teach you how to home school, how to get non verbal kids to speak, how to deal with aggression and so much more. Our journey is at for anyone who wants to know how to do many things ...but the bigger point here is...the puzzle piece is NOT anything to worry about! We have so much more BIG work to do...and I for one see all of us as the puzzle pieces. We ALL matter and we all play a part BUT sometimes we have to ask ourselves a question...are we spending all our time fighting against...or do we know what we are fighting for? And if we know what we are fighting for, are we maximizing the positive effects and outcomes so that we can help others or are we just...I don't know...ranting some ridiculous thing while little kids in Africa are being killed because people  think Autism is demonic possession...or many states STILL are not using a singular methodology so the teachers are virtually "winging it" with  children which is harmful and detrimental PLUS parent inclusion classes are STILL not being taught...or is STILL not known to many yet DROWNING and the elements are the number one and two causes of death and injury to our kids...or if a non verbal child makes sounds they most likely can talk...but there is a way to do see there is so much great stuff and life saving stuff we should be focused on...I just was so saddened when I read that you said "WE"...and I have communicated with thousands of parents and NEVER once heard that. Let's get hotels to put safer fences around pools at night and LOCK them. Let's get screening in place for ALL kids. Let's get on the same side and start fighting FOR...and puzzle pieces, like body parts, or letters forming words or words forming a system. I have learned that all things can be looked at as good or bad. The irony is, how you look at something tells a lot more about YOU. Puzzles can also be seen as quite beautiful. Many people fail to see the beauty in Autism or the wonder and awe in our Journey. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Is the glass half empty or half full? If you ask my son, he would have to measure it and I assure you, it would be measured down to a hundredth of a decimal or an exact percentage!  My once severe, non verbal, no eating, no eye contact, head banging, sad little boy is now home schooled and also attended Community College at 10 years old. Thanks to the 2  years of New York State's one on one, intensive, ABA Program at Elmcrest in Syracuse directed by Dr. Leah Phaneuf. She built a Dream Team and her template for using one methodology to keep a consistency and continuity for my son also including training all the parents is the best in the country. I gave away my 10 acre horse farm, quarter million dollar home, all possessions, divorced my son's dad, left my oldest daughter on the West Coast with her little kids and Marine Husband and pulled my 2 teens out of their final high School years to travel 3,000 miles to get to this program because Washington State was failing my son and he was getting worse. I found out Washington was in the bottom 3 in the nation. While singing at a State Fair a man who also had a son with Autism explained that he had sued the schools and won 3 times but nothing had ever changed. He was waiting to hear from us. 6 days in some of the coldest, iciest weather conditions including 38 degrees below zero going through Omaha....but we made it to New York. We got all the kids their State required vaccines and by the beginning of February they all started school. By the MIDDLE OF MARCH, MY LITTLE ONE HAD BEGUN TO SPEAK! HE HAD BEGUN TO TRY FOODS! BEFORE THE YEAR WAS OUT, HE HAD SKIPPED A GRADE. BY THE END OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR, HE SKIPPED ANOTHER. I had mentors and a support system. My son was speaking and eating plus above all, he was happy! I want to really get everyone reading to think about this. The greatest damage is done at the times you don't think about. Your child hears your reactions and like my son who read this blog, they are very intelligent kids. My son was angry at the woman who wrote this since I have the puzzle pieces tattooed on my ring finger and on my arm as a bracelet. We also have them embroidered on many of our coats, sneakers and have jewelry with them. We are PROUD and wear it with no shame. After all, Autism is a club filled with great artists, geniuses, actors, directors, musicians, Presidents, basketball players, Scientists, Mathematicians, explorers, Inventors, Poets, Authors, Designers the inventor of the World Wide Web/ Microsoft, Tom Hanks, Albert Einstein, Mozart, Michelangelo, Abraham Lincoln, James Taylor, Dan Aykroyd,  Daryl Hannah, ...and to me the greatest of them son. Autism is a treasure hunt and when it was discovered in the 1940's by Dr Leo Tanner and Dr. Hans was never a gloom and doom diagnosis! That was a LIE made up by The Autism Society to help raise money to line their administrative pockets! They do NOT give any money to any children at all. NOT a penny. The good doctors called the boys their "Little Professors" because whatever their area of knowledge was, they could go on with an incredible amount of detail and information! They were geniuses! Sadly, this gloom and doom image has taken hold and too many parents and even educators have lowered the bar not realizing these kids are for the great majority, geniuses! They NEED technology! They NEED specialized teachers who do gifted and talented! They NEED to be allowed to excel in their field of expertise! They are NOT pets or tax magnets...or ways for schools to get extra money to pay for football equipment or administrative raises! Kids with Autism bring in sometimes between 3 -4 times MORE than neuro-typical peers BUT parents need to be sure the extra money is spent on their kids! With that, I hope I have given everyone enough to stand as one and fight for this cause for the things which will improve the lives of generations now and those yet to come. The puzzle will never stop growing or getting more beautiful or more complex. Autism is multi levels of brilliance and is genius and at times, confusing to others. It is the most misunderstood Developmental Disability. It is NOT a Mental Illness. These kids are perfect. They are as God created them. God does not make mistakes.