I saw this article, did some research & found out Trump wants to bring back the draft.
The draft was a bad thing.
Then I started thinking about what he is saying.
I started wondering exactly who are 'immigrants'.
Then I wrote this.
The 'immigrants' here "illegally" he wants to deport. 'Legal' immigrants, (including American citizens), he wants to draft. He doesn't see "American" in anyone who doesn't look like him. Some of the best people in my life are 1st & 2nd generation immigrants. My Godfather moved here from Greece as a young man. He runs a restaurant and is loved by the whole town. He never turned his back on feeding & helping people & families in need. The tall lady in the NYC harbor was a gift to us for welcoming immigrants. The threads of love, hope, equality, rights, freedom & good will weave the fabric The United States is made from.
Trump's grandfather dropped the family name Drumpf and started using Trump. There's no paperwork to show the name change was done legally. Melania didn't start here legally. We have never cared about this! Only now are some starting to fear & hate each other because of immigration status. The highest office of the most welcoming, greatest country in the world should not be held by someone who doesn't welcome others & doesn't think America is great.
Trump wants to take us backwards to the 60's & the draft. Trump divides & discriminates against great people like my Godfather.
Trump insults women who look like Ms Liberty for weight, clothes & hair. He can't get beyond looks to understand her words..."Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips.'
(say this out loud) "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door"
This is who we are. We are The United States of America. These words represent the beliefs that made us great long before Trump was born & we'll be even greater long after he's gone.
WE, you & me, my Godfather & yours, my family & your family, my kids & your kids, WE are what makes America Great. WE are America. We are Abraham Lincoln. We are John F Kennedy. We are Dr. Martin Luther King. We are Helen Keller. We are Harriet Tubman. We are Franklin Delano & Eleanor Roosevelt. We are Norman Borlaug. We are Rosa Parks. No doubt we have Americans with bloodlines related to Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi and Oskar Schindler. We are Sacajawea. We are The Rockefellers. We are Michael Jackson. We are Robin Williams. We are Ryan White. We are Mohammed Ali. We are Dr. Temple Grandin. We are Walt Disney. We are Hillary. We are Donald. We are marchers, fighters, nurses, teachers, circus performers, policemen, disabled, seniors, 1st graders, animal advocates, Autism families, poor, rich, hard workers, scientists, unemployed, grandparents, inventors, priests, rabbis, geeks, farmers, astronauts, waitresses, plumbers, bartenders, home makers, politicians & poets. We sing, we dance, we cry, we laugh, we pray, we struggle, we love & we fight. WE ARE AMERICA. Yes, we are great right now. We are the greatest Country in the world.
We celebrate our differences. We encourage individuals. We strive to be unique. No country has ever been like us. They want to be us.
We eat German sausage for Breakfast, hit a Mexican taco truck for lunch, order Chinese food for dinner & snack on Italian pizza watching a late movie.
We can fight over an election then cry on each others shoulders when America is attacked.
I am so proud of being American. I am so proud of you. Look what we have done in 240 years! WE did this. You and me. We the people. Not a King. Not a Dictator. We the people. We've done a great job! We outdid our parents who outdid theirs.
Our kids are already greater, smarter & dreaming of inventions we couldn't fathom. They care about Climate Change because we didn't think about the consequences of Industry & burning our resources. Our kids don't smoke because we died of Cancer. Our kids build solar panels & wind mills because we drained the earth & fought wars for dirty oil. Our kids are planting urban gardens where we covered the ground with concrete. Our kids refuse to wear fur when we thought it meant luxury. Our kids are vegetarians because our meat habits caused rain forests to be demolished. We landed on the moon and our kids just landed on Mars. We ran cable across the ocean to talk on phones but our kids send satellites up in space to communicate on computers in real time on Facebook. Our kids recycle trash that we thought was...just trash. Our kids are awesome. They are already taking care of America & Mother Earth better than we did.
(Oh how cool, while I was typing this the phone rang- it was Michelle Obama reminding us to think about our kids & the world they deserve. Dezi smiled ear to ear hearing her message on OUR phone! Gosh she's amazing.)
It's simple. No Drumpf, NO Division. No Drumpf, No Discrimination. No Drumpf, No Draft. No Drumpf, No Degrading. No Drumpf, No Destruction. No Trump, No Tyrant.
We ARE great. We ARE Immigrants. If you're not 100% Native American, you come from immigrants.
We should not go back to the past.
We should learn from it.
'C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody Get Together try to love one another right now, right now, Right Now!'
You don't have to love Hillary to vote for her- you just have to love America and believe WE THE PEOPLE, not some guy, hold the answers, the solutions and the future. We vote Hillary because we believe in each other.
We vote Hillary because we know America is great right now. We vote Hillary because we want to be known for The Statue of Liberty not the wall of hate.
We vote for Hillary because we're proud of the America our ancestors built & the direction our kids are taking her.
We vote Hillary because we choose love over hate.